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Omega World Travel offers

Omega World Travel offers a wide range of travel services , including business travel solutions , meetings management , global coverage , consultation , technology of the Internet , a 24-hour service , recreation programs and more.
Achieve your goals for cost management, cost reduction , corporate responsibility and customer satisfaction . Explore products and services and find out how Omega program quality travel

Omega is the last word in travel .
Omega World Travel is one of the largest travel agencies in the United States , with more than 200 sites in 15 countries, as well as Japan , the United Kingdom and the Middle East.
The company specializes in business travel , but also deals with government contracts, tour groups and individual tourists.
The majority of revenue comes from booking air Omega .
The company offers discounts on all major cruise lines via its website offers training through your travel agent Travel Omega school, and TravTech , a company that develops online travel applications.

President and CEO Gloria Bohan founded the company in 1972.

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