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How To Choose A Good Texting And Driving App For Your Teenager

By Rebecca Moore

With the available data on road accidents as striking as they are, you definitely have your role cut out. You do not have to stop your teenagers from driving, but you can monitor their actions while they do so. The paragraphs below provide options to consider when you need a reliable texting and driving app.

The first smartphone application whose popularity has been on the rise in the last few days is known as Canary. Unlike many other software available out there, this one will not block you from texting while behind the wheels. However, it will send you a notification immediately your teen starts to use their phone while driving. It also has an additional feature that notifies users when the speed limits are exceeded.

CellControl is another smartphone software that can be installed by both Android and iPhone Operating System users. The least that can be said about this app is that it is stunning. It involves fitting a device behind your steering to monitor the movement of the car. Once you begin to drive, a blocking screen appears on your phone that prevents you from texting. The blockage disappears only when the vehicle stops. Any attempt to beat the system also triggers a notification.

When you are a parent worried about the activities of their teenagers on the road, there is still more for you. TextLimit will allow you to set a speed upon which some of the smartphone features will be partially disabled. You may also block certain features completely at certain speediness. It also provides super-user privileges that allow you to contact your children when they are driving.

When trying to have more than one family member under control on the road, go for The cost of a complete pack is attractive given the advantages it offers. The highlight of the software allows it to hear texts, email and call notifications on behalf of the driver. It then sends an automated response informing people that you are driving. This allows one to focus on the most important thing at the moment, the road.

When looking for something you can install without spending a cent, DriveScribe is a great bet. It can be used by both users of iPhones and Android operating systems. This software does not prevent anyone from texting but promotes safe driving. At the end of each trip, you will receive a performance rating that lets you know how well or bad you have been behind the wheels.

When shopping for the right app to install, there are certain things to consider. Apart from the cost, you want something that is easy to install and can be running with less than five minutes. Good software should also come with a hands-free capability to help you focus on what is important. In addition, you want something that is tamper resistant and compatible with your gadget.

At the end of the day, there is still something a little strange in paying for any of the features above. This is because it is somehow funny that all the applications are designed to ensure that common sense prevails. Logic simply demands that you switch off you gadgets each time you hit the road so that you may focus. After all, it is your life on the line.

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